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Nov 12, 2004

You know, I've found that my tendency to mix up the word NARCOLEPSY with the word NECROPHILIA has led to some awkward situations. Rather awkward.
Nov 10, 2004
One day, when I am president of the world, I will remember all the "little people" who reminded me when I wasn't wearing pants. Thank you, midgets and dwarves.

Nov 8, 2004
Happy Birthday

Ok, I'm keeping this exceedingly brief since I'm in a rush, but I felt obliged to share a new song I wrote for my birthday. That's right - I am now 22, the legal age for hunting rabbits and certain Belgians. (It's a little known fact. If you don't believe me, go look it up.) I recorded and uploaded the song, and you can listen to it over and over again!

Happy Birthday to me!