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Nov 18, 2003
Congrats, Dani
So as for the riddle - Dani wins, because, well, I dunno, I thought she needed points. The scores are as follows: Dani: 10 Jeff: -10 Oilers: 17 IBM: +1¹/²


Anonymous said...

What about me? I entered twice. *sigh* looks like I can't even lose an Ilan riddle. *crawls back into corner* Anyway, we all know the right answer was "there is no kosher food today only death". And Chimba. Chimba chimba chimba. Being incoherent is fun!
- Sara

Anonymous said...

Sara, your answers were appreciated, I assure you, but it was Dani's turn for points. Listen - it's me, not you. I'm sure you'll meet a nice guy one day who'll give you points willy-nilly. It's just not me. We can still be friends, though, right?
- Ilan

Anonymous said...

No Ilan, it's over. No more late nights in your room. No more practicing at 2am and then loaning you out to Juliana for animal planet. And by "it" I mean practicing persuasive speeches on you, because all I have left in that class is an oral reading, and then it's over. I'll get back to you on the friends thing.

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