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Mar 20, 2005
Links For You

In violation of my long-standing policy of only posting my own original entertainment, and not links to any sort of other entertainment, nor (God forbid) anything truly worthwhile, I present you, dear readers, (all 10 of you) with a link to a rather worthy cause from my friend Alisha:

In return, I believe I have full rights to take her firstborn child or her first million dollars - whichever comes first.

And when you're done with that, and want some entertaining Purim material, head on over to a site made by dear friends of mine, Yes, it's everything you were afraid of. Just go with it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ilan. But I think you just disinvited yourself from a brit/naming (b"h) sometime in the future.

ilan said...

Ah, well. You win a few, you lose a few.

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